Healing Through Authentic Thai Therapy

Maybe you are experiencing general aches and pains, soreness, stiffness, etc. Have a specific health condition you'd like to improve with some physical therapy. Feeling stressed and just need to let go and feel calmer. Traditional Thai Massage can help with a wide range of symptoms. It will likely surprise you..

How Thai Therapy Can Help You.

Lower Stress

As tension is eased from your body, you will feel lighter and more relaxed. A beautiful calmness.

Boost Energy

Tension in your muscles could be draining your energy. Once released your load is lighter and you can feel more able to cope with daily life.

Stimulate Circulation

Improve blood flow by easing muscle tension, which can restrict normal blood flow.

Improve Movement

Bringing space where there was compression to leave you feeling 'reset' - returned to a state of easier movement.

Traditional Healing

Tried & tested over hundreds of years, these traditional skills stand the test of time.


Helping Every Client Feel Rejuvenated!

Thai Massage has a wide-ranging applicability and can help with many different issues. The initial consultation takes a wider look at you to identify why the problems may be there and treatment gives more feedback on what's going on. The aim is always to get to the bottom of the problem and deliver effective treatment, every time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Thai Massage Differ From a 'normal' massage?

The first things which are obvious are that the treatment is usually done with the client fully clothed and that it's done on a floor mat, rather than a table. It also often doesn't use any oil (sometimes it does) and techniques are performed through your clothes, rather than directly onto the skin (as appropriate). ThaiOne's Traditional Thai Massage is tailored to your needs and will often differ from one appointment to the next (as your needs change).

Do I have to do the Consultation?

The consultation allows me to get to know more about your daily habits, history and the problems you're having. It helps me (and you) better understand why these things may be happening and gives some time for us to talk a little before the massage starts (which can help you relax). It's also a time where I can explain how to maximise your session; this is important at the start of your journey to keep us on the best path. The consultation is so important for effective treatment that it is offered to you for free...

How long should I book a treatment for?

1 hour, 1.5 hours or 2 hours? It really depends on the extent of the treatment you'd like. The main issue will be worked first, then the secondary issue, etc. The more issues you have, the longer treatment times would be more appropriate. Clients regularly choose all difference durations, but new clients most commonly book for 1 hour (+ consultation). Contact me if you have specific queries about this.

I've had Thai Massage before and it was painful! Should I expect this?

Absolutely not!! Pain is not useful - tension cannot be forced out of your body, it must be eased out. So, you must be at ease! I will explain more about why this is the case during the consultation.

What if I can't get onto the floor?

The treatment is adaptable. I have clients who I treat seated. Let's talk about any mobility issues when booking your treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

It all depends on how you respond to the treatment and the reason for booking. For many people, massage is an ongoing aid in maintaining good health and wellbeing. Some people come for specific issues and their treatment has more specific outcome goals. These factors will be part of ongoing discussions with each client. If I feel I this treatment is not going to help with your issue, I will advise you of this.

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